Welcome to The Untold Truths About Expecting and Beyond

Having a child is easy, said no one ever. Each week, join me, first-time mom Jody Daley, alongside special guests as we dive into the highs and lows of motherhood. We will discuss the things we have all experienced, but dare not acknowledge. Motherhood and parenthood, in general, can be challenging, but you do not have to do it alone.


Each week new content will be added here, but you can also listen to us on Spotify!

Episode 1

Topic: OMG, I'm Pregnant?!

Episode 2

Topic: I'm Expecting, Do I Stop Taking My Prescribed Medication?

Why this Podcast?

Finding out I was pregnant changed my life forever. No longer was I just an educator or someone trying to figure out life’s meaning. I was going to be a mom. A first-time mom. How would being a mom fit into my life’s trajectory? Could I still pursue my goals? Or was I going to have to put it all on hold? These were questions that troubled me deeply. I often thought to myself, am I the only person experiencing these emotions? Are other moms experiencing these same trials? I was unsure, as no one ever talks about these things. I wanted to create a space where mothers could find not only community, but  a place of validation, peace of mind and the courage to keep going, one diaper change at a time.

Contact me:

What are some things that resonated with you and what would you like to know more about?

I look very forward to hearing from you!


We're glad you're here to be a part of our story. I hope you will feel more validated and less alone as we grow and succeed together.